Location Real estate C

Component that represents a real estate item such as house, apartment, hotel...



import styles from "./real-estate-c.module.css"; type ActionType = { icon?: React.ReactElement; title?: string; showTitle?: boolean; iconPosition?: "left" | "right"; onClick?: () => void; }; type Props = { className?: string; imageSrc?: string; title?: string; imageText?: React.ReactNode; description?: React.ReactNode; price?: string; href?: string; location?: React.ReactNode; locationIcon?: React.ReactNode; roomsInformation?: React.ReactNode; roomsInformationIcon?: React.ReactNode; buildingInformation?: React.ReactNode; buildingInformationIcon?: React.ReactNode; rating?: React.ReactNode; ratingIcon?: React.ReactNode; rounded?: "none" | "small" | "medium" | "large"; variant?: "default" | "simple"; footerLeftDetails?: ActionType[]; footerRightDetails?: ActionType[]; }; export default function RealEstateC({ className, imageSrc, title, imageText, description, price, href, location, locationIcon, roomsInformation, roomsInformationIcon, buildingInformation, buildingInformationIcon, rating, ratingIcon, rounded = "medium", variant, footerLeftDetails: footerLeftActions, footerRightDetails: footerRightActions, }: Props) { return ( <div className={[ styles["wrapper"], styles[`r-${rounded}`], styles[`variant-${variant}`], className, ].join(" ")} > <div className={styles["image-wrapper"]}> {/* You may need to replace the a tag with a Link if you use Next.js */} {/* If you use Next.js, replace 'img' with 'Image' element */} <img className={[styles["image"], styles["square"]].join(" ")} src={imageSrc} alt={title || ""} width={360} height={360} loading="lazy" /> {imageText && ( <div className={styles["image-text"]}> <p>{imageText}</p> </div> )} </div> <div className={styles["body"]}> {/* You may replace the a tag with a Link if you use NextJS, or simply remove it if you do not want link */} <a href={href} className={styles["body-link"]}> <div className={styles["body-content"]}> <div> {price && <h3 className={styles["price"]}>{price}</h3>} {description && ( <div className={styles["desc"]}> <p>{description}</p> </div> )} <div className={styles["characteristics"]}> {location && ( <CharacteristicItem icon={locationIcon} description={location} /> )} {roomsInformation && ( <CharacteristicItem icon={roomsInformationIcon} description={roomsInformation} /> )} {buildingInformation && ( <CharacteristicItem icon={buildingInformationIcon} description={buildingInformation} /> )} {rating && ( <CharacteristicItem icon={ratingIcon} description={rating} /> )} </div> </div> </div> </a> <div className={styles["footer"]}> <div className={styles["f-left"]}> {/* You may replace this button with button-a, button-b, ... */} <div className={styles["f-details"]}> {footerLeftActions?.map((action, index) => ( <ActionButton key={action.title || `action-${index}`} action={action} /> ))} </div> </div> <div className={styles["f-right"]}> <div className={styles["f-details"]}> {footerRightActions?.map((action, index) => ( <ActionButton key={action.title || `action-${index}`} action={action} /> ))} </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); } function ActionButton({ action }: { action: ActionType }) { return ( <button type="button" className={styles["action-button"]} title={action.title} onClick={() => { // add on click behavior here eg: action.onClick && action.onClick(); }} > {action.icon && action.iconPosition !== "right" && ( <span className={styles["icon"]}>{action.icon}</span> )} {action.title && action.showTitle && ( <span className={styles["text"]}>{action.title}</span> )} {action.icon && action.iconPosition === "right" && ( <span className={styles["icon"]}>{action.icon}</span> )} </button> ); } function CharacteristicItem({ icon, description, }: { icon?: React.ReactNode; description: React.ReactNode; }) { return ( <div className={styles["charac-item"]}> {icon && <span className={styles["c-icon"]}>{icon}</span>} <span className={styles["c-text"]}>{description}</span> </div> ); }


Figma design file:



Props of the component:

  • className (string): Specifies the CSS class of the component.
  • imageSrc (string): Specifies the URL of the image.
  • title (string or ReactNode): Specifies the text or component that will be used as the title.
  • imageText (string or ReactNode): Specifies the text or component that will be placed above the image.
  • description (string or ReactNode): Specifies the text or component that will be used as the description.
  • price (string or ReactNode): Specifies the price.
  • href (string): Specifies the URL if the component is a link.
  • location (string or ReactNode): Specifies location details.
  • locationIcon (string or ReactNode): Specifies the icon representing the location.
  • roomsInformation (string or ReactNode): Specifies room details.
  • roomsInformationIcon (string or ReactNode): Specifies the icon representing the room information.
  • buildingInformation (string or ReactNode): Specifies building details.
  • buildingInformationIcon (string or ReactNode): Specifies the icon representing the building information.
  • rating (string or ReactNode): Specifies the text that will be used as the string.
  • ratingIcon (string or ReactNode): Specifies the icon representing the rating.
  • rounded ("none" | "small" | "medium" | "large"): Specifies the border radius of the frame.
  • variant ("default" | "simple" or a customized value): Specifies the color or theme variant of the component. Check out the "Sample CSS customization" below for an example of how to use it.
  • footerLeftActions (Array of ActionType): Specifies the action buttons placed on the left side of the component's footer.
  • footerRightActions (Array of ActionType): Specifies the action buttons placed on the right side of the component's footer.
ActionType item arguments
  • title (string): Specifies the title text.
  • icon (string): Specifies the icon component.
  • showTitle (boolean): Show or hide the title.
  • iconPosition ("left" | "right"): Specifies the position of the icon relative to the text.
  • onClick (function): Fires when the item is clicked.
Sample CSS customization
.variant-simple { --bg-color: transparent; --padding: 0px; --gap: 1rem; --image-border-radius: 1rem; --action-button-size: 1.25rem; --footer-padding-y: 0.5rem; --footer-padding-x: 0rem; box-shadow: none; }