Sign In Form A

Component that represents a sign in form.


Sign in info: -


import { useState } from "react"; import InputContainerA from "../../input/input-container-a/input-container-a"; import ButtonA from "../../button/button-a/button-a"; import styles from "./sign-in-form-a.module.css"; type Props = { className?: string; title?: string; description?: React.ReactNode; signInButtonText?: string; emailPlaceholder?: string; emailIcon?: React.ReactNode; passwordPlaceholder?: string; passwordIcon?: React.ReactNode; rounded?: "none" | "small" | "medium" | "large"; // Put additional variants here, then define them in the CSS variant?: "default" | "simple"; onSubmit?: (email: string, password: string) => void; }; export default function SignInFormA({ className, title, description, signInButtonText = "Sign in", emailPlaceholder = "Email address", emailIcon, passwordPlaceholder = "Password", passwordIcon, rounded = "medium", variant, onSubmit, }: Props) { // Here is a simple implementation of the email value handling const [email, setEmail] = useState(""); const [password, setPassword] = useState(""); return ( <div className={[ styles["wrapper"], styles[`r-${rounded}`], styles[`variant-${variant}`], className, ].join(" ")} > <form onSubmit={(e) => { // sample behavior when form is submitted onSubmit && onSubmit(email, password); setEmail(""); setPassword(""); e.preventDefault(); }} > <h4 className={styles["title"]}>{title}</h4> {description && ( <div className={styles["desc"]}> <p>{description}</p> </div> )} <div className={styles["input-group"]}> <InputContainerA className={[styles["input-container"], styles["input-email"]].join( " " )} shadow="none" height="large" rounded="medium" border="thin" beforeElement={ <span title={emailPlaceholder} className={styles["input-icon"]}> {emailIcon || <EmailIcon />} </span> } > <input type={"email"} value={email} placeholder={emailPlaceholder} onChange={(e) => setEmail(} /> </InputContainerA> <InputContainerA className={[ styles["input-container"], styles["input-password"], ].join(" ")} shadow="none" height="large" rounded="medium" border="thin" beforeElement={ <span title={emailPlaceholder} className={styles["input-icon"]}> {passwordIcon || <PasswordIcon />} </span> } > <input type={"password"} value={password} placeholder={passwordPlaceholder} onChange={(e) => setPassword(} /> </InputContainerA> <ButtonA type="submit" height="large" className={styles["submit-btn"]} rounded="medium" shadow="none" > {signInButtonText} </ButtonA> <div className={styles["login-issue"]}> <div> <a href="#">Forgot password?</a> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> ); } // From Heroicons function EmailIcon() { return ( <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" style={{ width: "1.5rem", height: "1.5rem" }} xmlns="" > <path d="M1.5 8.6691V17.25C1.5 18.9069 2.84315 20.25 4.5 20.25H19.5C21.1569 20.25 22.5 18.9069 22.5 17.25V8.6691L13.5723 14.1631C12.6081 14.7564 11.3919 14.7564 10.4277 14.1631L1.5 8.6691Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M22.5 6.90783V6.75C22.5 5.09315 21.1569 3.75 19.5 3.75H4.5C2.84315 3.75 1.5 5.09315 1.5 6.75V6.90783L11.2139 12.8856C11.696 13.1823 12.304 13.1823 12.7861 12.8856L22.5 6.90783Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> ); } // From Heroicons function PasswordIcon() { return ( <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" style={{ width: "1.5rem", height: "1.5rem" }} xmlns="" > <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M15.75 1.5C12.0221 1.5 9 4.52208 9 8.25C9 8.64372 9.03379 9.03016 9.0988 9.40639C9.16599 9.79527 9.06678 10.1226 8.87767 10.3117L2.37868 16.8107C1.81607 17.3733 1.5 18.1363 1.5 18.932V21.75C1.5 22.1642 1.83579 22.5 2.25 22.5H6C6.41421 22.5 6.75 22.1642 6.75 21.75V20.25H8.25C8.66421 20.25 9 19.9142 9 19.5V18H10.5C10.6989 18 10.8897 17.921 11.0303 17.7803L13.6883 15.1223C13.8774 14.9332 14.2047 14.834 14.5936 14.9012C14.9698 14.9662 15.3563 15 15.75 15C19.4779 15 22.5 11.9779 22.5 8.25C22.5 4.52208 19.4779 1.5 15.75 1.5ZM15.75 4.5C15.3358 4.5 15 4.83579 15 5.25C15 5.66421 15.3358 6 15.75 6C16.9926 6 18 7.00736 18 8.25C18 8.66421 18.3358 9 18.75 9C19.1642 9 19.5 8.66421 19.5 8.25C19.5 6.17893 17.8211 4.5 15.75 4.5Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> ); }


Figma design file:



This component needs the input container InputContainerA and Button A components.


Props of the component:

  • className (string): Specifies the CSS class of the component.
  • title (string or ReactNode): Specifies the text or component that will be used as the title.
  • description (string or ReactNode): Specifies the text or component that will be used as the description.
  • signInButtonText (string or ReactNode): Specifies the subscribe button text.
  • emailPlaceholder (string): Specifies the email placeholder text.
  • emailIcon (string or ReactNode): Specifies the email icon.
  • passwordPlaceholder (string): Specifies the password placeholder text.
  • passwordIcon (string or ReactNode): Specifies the password icon.
  • rounded ("none" | "small" | "medium" | "large" | "full"): Specifies the border radius of the frame.
  • variant ("default" | "simple" or a customized value): Specifies the color or theme variant of the component. Check out the "Sample CSS customization" below for an example of how to use it.
  • onSubmit (Array of ActionType): Fires when the sign in form is submitted.
Sample CSS customization
.variant-simple { --bg-color: transparent; --padding: 0px; box-shadow: none; } .variant-simple .title { margin-top: 0rem; } .variant-simple .desc { margin-left: 0rem; margin-right: 0rem; }