Subscription Form B

Component that represents an email subscription form.



Receive our latest news and update right in your inbox.

Subscriber email: -


import { useState } from "react"; import InputContainerA from "../../input/input-container-a/input-container-a"; import ButtonA from "../../button/button-a/button-a"; import styles from "./subscription-form-b.module.css"; type Props = { className?: string; title?: string; description?: React.ReactNode; subscribeButtonText?: string; emailPlaceholder?: string; emailIcon?: React.ReactNode; rounded?: "none" | "small" | "medium" | "large"; // Put additional variants here, then define them in the CSS variant?: "default" | "simple"; onSubscribe?: (email: string) => void; }; export default function SubscriptionFormB({ className, title, description, subscribeButtonText = "Subscribe", emailPlaceholder = "Email address", emailIcon, rounded = "medium", variant, onSubscribe, }: Props) { // Here is a simple implementation of the email value handling const [email, setEmail] = useState(""); return ( <div className={[ styles["wrapper"], styles[`r-${rounded}`], styles[`variant-${variant}`], className, ].join(" ")} > <form onSubmit={(e) => { // sample behavior when form is submitted onSubscribe && onSubscribe(email); setEmail(""); e.preventDefault(); }} > <h4 className={styles["title"]}>{title}</h4> {description && ( <div className={styles["desc"]}> <p>{description}</p> </div> )} <div className={styles["input-group"]}> <InputContainerA className={styles["input-email"]} shadow="none" rounded="medium" beforeElement={ <span title={emailPlaceholder} className={styles["email-icon"]}> {emailIcon || <EmailIcon />} </span> } > <input type={"email"} value={email} placeholder={emailPlaceholder} onChange={(e) => setEmail(} /> </InputContainerA> <ButtonA type="submit" className={styles["submit-btn"]} rounded="medium" shadow="none" > {subscribeButtonText} </ButtonA> </div> </form> </div> ); } // From Heroicons function EmailIcon() { return ( <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" style={{ width: "1.5rem", height: "1.5rem" }} xmlns="" > <path d="M1.5 8.6691V17.25C1.5 18.9069 2.84315 20.25 4.5 20.25H19.5C21.1569 20.25 22.5 18.9069 22.5 17.25V8.6691L13.5723 14.1631C12.6081 14.7564 11.3919 14.7564 10.4277 14.1631L1.5 8.6691Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M22.5 6.90783V6.75C22.5 5.09315 21.1569 3.75 19.5 3.75H4.5C2.84315 3.75 1.5 5.09315 1.5 6.75V6.90783L11.2139 12.8856C11.696 13.1823 12.304 13.1823 12.7861 12.8856L22.5 6.90783Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> ); }


Figma design file:



This component needs the input container InputContainerA and Button A components.


Props of the component:

  • className (string): Specifies the CSS class of the component.
  • title (string or ReactNode): Specifies the text or component that will be used as the title.
  • description (string or ReactNode): Specifies the text or component that will be used as the description.
  • subscribeButtonText (string or ReactNode): Specifies the subscribe button text.
  • emailPlaceholder (string): Specifies the placeholder text.
  • emailIcon (string or ReactNode): Specifies the email icon.
  • rounded ("none" | "small" | "medium" | "large" | "full"): Specifies the border radius of the frame.
  • variant ("default" | "simple" or a customized value): Specifies the color or theme variant of the component. Check out the "Sample CSS customization" below for an example of how to use it.
  • onSubscribe (Array of ActionType): Fires when the subscription form is submitted.
Sample CSS customization
.variant-simple { --bg-color: transparent; --padding: 0px; box-shadow: none; } .variant-simple .title { margin-top: 0rem; } .variant-simple .desc { margin-left: 0rem; margin-right: 0rem; }